Stravoravdis, S.
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007

Linking artificial lighting with daylight requiresthe presence of controls and censors for eachroom. Apart from the energy saving producedthough, this can have significant initial cost implicationsfor the user. This paper presents amethod for linking artificial lighting with daylightover a whole building in real time, througha single sensor system.By placing a camera on the top of a building, itis possible to capture a digital image of the skyat regular intervals. Post processing that imagecan give us an accurate representation of the skyconditions at any given moment. Using that informationwe can reconstruct any sky conditionand predict/simulate the amount of availabledaylight at any point within a building. By utilizinga database management system, where allthe simulation information is stored, we can obtainthe simulated daylight levels for each pointwithin a building, for the current sky conditions.This is turn, allows us to control artificial lightlevels for all the building from a central location.