Rouni, G.K.; Kirn, M.
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007

The energy consumption matter for the buildingsector has come up again urgently looking forstandards, measures, policies and best practices.That is because building sector have direct impactboth on energy consumption and environment(cooling, heating, raw materials for construction,consumption of natural sources-water,fossil fuels and emissions of harmful substances).Buildings are responsible for the approximately40% of the primary energy consumptionin EU (164 millions buildings in EU-15, 193 millions in EU-25) and for about 50%of CO2 emissions (Commission of the EuropeanCommunities, COM 769, 2000; Balaras et al.,2000). Given the lifetime of buildings and thelarge number of existing buildings it is clear thatthe largest potential for improving the energyperformance of buildings and creating ecologicallysound and pleasant human interior environmentin short time, is in the existing buildingsector. Building refurbishment costs much lessthan demolition and reconstruction plus protectsthe architectural heritage. Building refurbishmentwith thermal insulation faade systemsprovide the main thermal protection of thebuilding envelope, given the fact that this is themajor thermal bridge to the environment(Balaras et al., 2004). The building envelope hasto provide the requirements of statics and stability,thermal insulation, noise, moisture and fireprotection, plus protection from the weatherconditions. These requirements plus a vast architecturalflexibility and freedom in design canbe acquired by an external composite insulationsystem, provided that this system is certifiedand standardized (Papadopoulos, 1999), appliedby certified applicators according to the technicaldetails and specifications provided by thematerials producer. An external thermal insulationcomposite system (ETICS) is composed bymultiple layers: the insulation material (commonlyconsisting of boards of expanded polystyrene(Chwieduk, 2003) or mineral woolwhile the thickness varies accordingly to the averageair temperature difference between insideand outside building i.e. geographical location,climatic conditions, HDD) the fixing on thesubstrate (adhesive and/or dowels), the reinforcingintermediate coating (intermediate plasterand reinforcement mesh) and a variety of decorativefinish coatings. ETICS are proven tominimize energy consumption of buildings,while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.ETICS technology has been developed (after the1st energy crisis) in order to achieve lowertimes of application, longer lifetime of the materials,greater protection of the building accordingto its geographical location and climaticconditions, plus protection, if such is desired, byelectromagnetic radiation (electro smog), contributingto a better and healthier indoors environment.A quick review of the advantages ofexternal wall insulation systems: Energy savingup to 60% on existing buildings, reduction ofemissions, important influence on the microclimate,elimination of thermal bridges, faadeprotection, easy, quick application, cost worthyinvestment, long term durability, reduction ofblack-out possibility during pick demand ofelectricity.