Developments in the construction sector of acountry consist of an unbreakable part of thechanges that take place in its energy sector. Thebeginning of the imposition of the Kyoto Protocol,the implementation of the European Directiveon the energy efficiency of buildings theneed of the harmonisation of the Directive withthe national legislation and finally the dramaticincrease of oils price, demonstrate that the issuesthat should be in the first line of interestand must focus on the sustainable growth of thesociety are the rational use of energy and thepromotion energy that is generated by renewablesources.Therefore aiming to achieve higher goals,new progressive methods and improved constructionproducts are frequent for use. Buildingsenergy management is a complex issue. Itpresupposes knowledge of constructional solutionsand right combination of construction materials.The result is a complete approach of theinternal environment, heating, cooling and ventilationsystems, and all the particular characteristicsof a building, (materials used and constructionmethods)Simultaneously, the new age of informationtechnology amplifies the growth of SmartBuildings which can fill all requirements ofsomeones needs, which operate with energysaving criteria, using automatic systems.In this paper is presented, beyond the theoreticalbackground of Smart Buildings, an implementationthat combines higher gumption,and was applied in the Tellogleio Foundation ofArts Museum, of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,with an installation study of a new BuildingEnergy Management System (BEMS). Thesystem combines all the advantages that arisefrom new technology advances with the specialcharacteristics of the Museum, too. That emphasizesthe flexible character that this system has.According to that, BEMS can be applied in eachtype of building. According to the bioclimaticdesign and the need to estimate and to maintainan energy efficient environment they will offerthe required comfort of the indoor environmentalconditions to the buildings users.
Energy effective solutions for buildings with BEMS use
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007