The use of Means of Transportation oftentimescreates problems that concern the waiting in thebus - stops and the discomfort of passengers dueto bad weather conditions.In order to tackle this problem a research wasconducted, which showed that a possible solutionis to create a prototype and autonomousbusstop. It will be designed based on bioclimaticprinciples and is expected to cover all currentneeds of a busstop in terms of lighting,heating and cooling.The busstop is constituted by a metal framewhich carries photovoltaic panels on its roof.The panels are oriented towards the sun transformingsolar energy into electricity so that itcan be utilized for lighting the bus- stop.This electricity is used to illuminate the sign''Bus Stop'' but also the lamps of lighting that litup the busstop during night and the informationpanel.The prototype and autonomous busstop hasfive parts. The first is located under the wholeconstruction that acts as the base. The ''Collector-Battery'' which collects and stores the electricityfrom the photovoltaics is placed there. Inaddition a special system for heating and coolingis positioned at the same area, and removeshot or cold air depending on the season. This isdone through specific air ducts located in theperimeter of the floor after this air passes from ahydraulic system. This system is comprised ofpipes that cool or heat the water so as to create afield of constant temperature throughout theyear.When this prototype is developed and placedin all stops of transportation means of a city animportant economic, environmental profit willbe achieved not only for the citizens but also forthe municipality.A contemporary and modern constructioncan be manufactured in such a way that apartfrom the operational costs no other expenses aremade. This prototype provides a comfortableand human environment for its users.
Prototype and autonomous bioclimatic bus- stop
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007