Within the framework of EPBD and as a part ofa wider initiative to reduce energy consumptiona holistic and more complete approach is requiredfor buildings evaluation. The methodologydiscussed below is based on the developmentof an integrated analysis model, whichimplies, apart of the energy aspect, the environmentaland economic evaluation of buildings.The analysis model presented is based onthe synergy of different environmental toolssuch as LCA and ISO 14031 and economic onessuch as LCCA towards buildings compliancewith the new regulations and standards. The environmentalevaluation of buildings targets onenergy consumption and environmental impactby identifying potential improvement options ata life cycle perspective. A data base is constructedcontaining certain parameters definedby the ENVEST softwares requirements whichadopts Life Cycle Analysis methodology forbuildings evaluation and uses ecopoints formeasuring environmental impact.
Model analysis for existing buildings’ efficient environmental evaluation
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007