The design for the new University of Cypruscampus is being developed in a series of sixcompetitions, paralleling the six "phases" ofconstruction. Awards are being made both to thebest overall design, which then also determinesthe architectural firm responsible for that phase,as well as for the best bioclimatic design. Thispaper describes the first-prize winner in bothcategories for the second of this series of competitions,representing the first phase of studenthousing design. The whole study was carriedout as an integrated approach, taking into considerationa very wide range of design choicesand parameters, with a conscious focus on bioclimaticdesign. There was an effort to combinetraditional wisdom, new technology, functionand comfort, cost, natural environment andmicroclimate, energy saving, client program,and aesthetics. These were tailored to theparticular requirements of the buildings.Energy-efficient design is used throughout,including careful and appropriate placement ofinsulation in relation to interior thermal mass.This is assisted by "smart-control" mechanicalsystems for heating and cooling. Daylighting isintegral to the design, with energy-efficientsupporting lighting systems. The designs alsopromote natural summer cooling ventilation,utilizing the prevailing summer wind directionas well as enhancing stack-effect ventilation.
Bioclimatic designs for the student housing of new University of Cyprus
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007