The interrelation between requirement and implementation and/or realization of theventilation technique is represented in fig. 9 exemplarily for a building, similar to theexample from DIN 4108 - 6 with and ventilated effective area by 205,6 m2. Therebythe total minimum outside air flow rate in the basic ventilation amounts to qV, ges.= 214m/h and in the ventilation for dampness protection it amounts to qV, FL. = 64 m/h.Example 1: For a building with an effective n50 value of 1,0 h-1 (corresponds to arequirement value < to 1.5 h-1) the infiltration flow rate amounts to qV, inf.= 35 m/h.Thus it becomes clear, that the minimum outside air flow rate, which is necessary forthe air flow rate for the ventilation of dampness protection, is not maintained. Thesecuring can thus be made only by a further directing ventilation measure e.g. in formof a fan-supported ventilation. In the case of a balanced fan-supported fresh andexhaust air ventilation system, the fresh and exhaust air flow rate in the basicventilation amounts to 183 m/h. Thus 86% of the total flow rate of a possible WRGare available.Example 2: In the second example (picture on the right side), n50 value 4.5 h-1(average value of the existing building stock) it is shown, that the infiltration flow raterises substantially and is definitly above the minimum requirement value for theventilation of dampness protection (also for existing building stock). The portion ofthe air flow rate of the ventilation measure, like in example 1, now amounts to onlyabout 1/3 entirely of the outside air flow rate and that of the infiltration air flow rateabout 2/3. This makes clear, that ventilation measures only make sense, if a highlimit value is kept to the building airtightness.Thus it is summarized, that in rooms, dwellings, residential buildings, as well asbuildings similar to residential buildings, which are ventilated controlled by aventilation measure in combination with high requirements to the building airtightnessand on the basis of a holistic ventilation concept, building damage is avoided, roomair quality is increased and in combination with an intelligent control system and orwaste heat utilization (WRG and or WP) final energy and primary energy is savedand our environment relieved.