Heating and cooling buildings needs too much energy consumption; thing that is becoming rare and more expensive.Internal thermal comfort is essentially evaluatedaccording to bioclimatic conditions and energy consumption.So the aim of the study is to reach optimum thermal comfort conditions with less energy consumptionaccording orientation factor in semi arid climate.In order to point out the relationship between orientation and energy consumption a site investigation is undertakenin Constantine new urban extension called Ali Mendjelinew town. It concerns readings of air and surface temperatures and relative humidity that are compared to thermal comfort limits for such climatic conditions.Moreover, a simulation using TRNSYS (Version 14.1) is done to validate site findings and to search the optimalbuilding orientation which improve internal thermalconditions with economy in energy. The results confirm that taking into consideration the orientation factor make the building participating in the optic of new conception: Energy conservation buildings.Key word: Orientation, Thermal comfort, Energy consumption,Energy conservation.
Optimal orientation for housing with low energy profile in a semi arid climate.

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007