In the last decades researches have indicated an extremelyhigh energy consumption of the building sector. Analysing the amount of consumed energy, it is showed that almost the 70% are expended for the heating and cooling loads of the building. Therefore, it is of great interest to exhaust the possibilities to reduce the thermallosses through the buildings shell. Thus, insulation remains one of the most important tools for the thermal losses reduction in the building sector.In particular in Greece the insulation law, applied in the late 70s obliged constructions to acquire the minimum insulation in order to achieve a thermal resistance of around 0,7 m2K/W for the whole building shell. Unfortunately,practice has proven that the applied insulation is inadequate. Thus, buildings energy behaviour is not the expected one and the energy consumption of the building stock is around 150 -180 kW/m2.Within the scope of a research on the energy evaluation of the building stock in the area of Thessaloniki, an extensivefield study was carried out. The evaluated buildingshave been studied for their energy consumption in relation to their thermal insulation.
Insulation as criteria for the energy behaviour of the building stock

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007