One of the current challenges in the urban climate researcharea mentions the standardization of procedures for data collection and analysis (OKE, 2005); this involvesnomenclatures and methods, so that the transmissionof the developed technology can be better understoodand applied in diverse realities. This is also a Brazilian concern that withholds several research consolidatinggroups in the area of urban climate, but those groups are frequently working in an isolated form.Assis (2005) presents a critical revision of the issues of research in urban climate in Brazil, with the aim of identifying the advances of the results for applications in urban design and planning. The author identifies that in the last two decades, there was an increase in the number of works in the area, however, with few contributionsto studies in the tropical climates, since few researchsdeal in a modeling basis to exploratory studies that can subsidize the decision making in urban planningand design. The author evidences advances in the predictive treatment of the influence of urban geometry and thermal inertia, in the variation of the parameters of temperature and air humidity; in the evaluation of the role of urban ventilation in the dispersion of atmosphericpollutants, as well as in the consideration about thermal comfort in outdoor spaces; emphasizing that most of these models are empirical, which restricts its generalized application.Urban climate studies are relatively new, and the investigationmethods and practical procedures in this type of study involve: conception, elaboration of theories, field studies, modeling (statistical or numerical), validation of models, application in urban design and planning, impacts of settlements (pos-implementation), programmingof development and modification. Some of these issues are already wide studied, however, there is a lot of work to develop the last four ones.The recent advent of the IAUC - International Associationfor Urban Climate represents an effort in the performanceof this role, through the promotion of scientificevents and publication of works in the area. However, the complexity of the subject is aggravates in the lack of a common language that results in feasible proposals for adequate urban design and planning in relation to the climate of each locality, which could bring thermal comfort as the main benefit for the inhabitants.
A methodology to study the urban distribution of air temperature in fixed points

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007