The building sector is at present responsible for more than 40 % of the EU energy consumption. There are technologies under development, which could substantiallyimprove (up to 30 %) the energy performance of buildings, reducing the conventional energy demand in new and existing buildings and substantially contributingto reduce energy intensity, through combined measures of rational use of energy and integrationof renewable energy technologies. The EU 6FP Ecobuildingsconcept is expected to be the meeting point of short-term development and demonstration in order to support legislative and regulatory measures for energy efficiency and enhanced use of renewable energy solutionswithin the building sector, which go beyond the Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings.The projects aim at a new approach for the design, constructionand operation of new and/or refurbished buildings, which is based on the best combination of the double approach: to reduce substantially and, if possible, to avoid the demand for heating, cooling and lighting and to supply the necessary heating, cooling and lighting in the most efficient way and based as much as possible on renewable energy sources and polygeneration.The first results of the four Ecobuildings projectsBRITAin PuBs, SARA, DEMOHOUSE and ECO-CULTUREare presented in this paper and shall be discussed during the conference presentation. The main focus is on the BRITA in PuBs projectwith 8 demonstration buildings and additionalproject results such as retrofit design guidelines,an electronic database on retrofitting knowledge, a quality controltoolbox and many more.
Ecobuildings: Towards an energy-efficient European building stock beyond nationalrequirements

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007