Microclimate condition in an environment is influenced by the local environment condition. Urban morphology,especially building, pavement and greenery are the main factors. The ambient temperature in a built area located nearby a large park can be reduced with the average of 1.3oC as compared with no park built environment.In other studies also show that area of urban elements (building, greenery and pavement) determines the temperature of a built environment.In the other study, it is found that urban heat island exists in National University of Singapore (NUS). Therefore, in order to further investigate on the NUS microclimate, building, pavement and greenery areaswere quantified by means of Geographical InformationSystem (GIS). In terms of building area, different types of building roofs were also recorded to provide data for possibility of rooftop greenery application.From the GIS extracted data, it shows that 55.10% of NUS Kent Ridge Campus is covered with greenery where dense greenery area along the Kent Ridge Road gives the highest greenery contribution.To increase the greenery area in the other area, such as in the faculties and residences area, the potential of rooftop greenery application was quantified. It is found that most of the NUS buildings are using flat roof, metal pitch roof and tile roof. If these roofs are fully utilized, there will be an increase of greenery area about close to 180,000 m2.Priority of rooftop greenery application can be made accordingto the largest area of flat roof and metal roof zones for the purpose of budgeting and future planning.Keywords: GIS, urban elements, rooftop greenery potential,NUS Campus.
GIS-Based Urban Elements Study and Its Rooftop Greenery Potential in NUS Campus
Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007