In the study of indoor and outdoor thermal environment, the analysis and calculation for radiation are adifficulty when the opaque and half-transparent objects exist together, especially for analyzing theindoor environment for atrium, building with large scale transparent envelope and some half-open areawith plants. The traditional method is hard to deal with the long-wave and short-wave radiation issueswhen several opaque and half-transparent objects exist together, and the accuracy description of thethermal environment becomes a problem. Here a general 3-D radiation simulation system is developedwith Monte-Carlo and Gebhart method. There are two kinds of basic units in the system, which aresurface unit for opaque objects and body unit for transparent objects respectively. When the bundleswere emitted from certain point or surface with Monte-Carlo method, it would enter into an opaquesurface or a transparent body. For the former, it would be reflected and absorbed. However, when thesecond situation happened, there is the third process named penetration beside above two processes.Those three processes would be continued until the bundles reach an opaque surface. With calculatingthe amount of bundles and that absorbed by another surface or body, the direct area exchange indexcould be obtained. With Gebhart method and the calculation of net angle coefficient, the radiationenergy exchange with short wave and long-wave radiation could be calculated easily.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan