In the past ten years, there have been intense developments in the application of energy savings inbuildings and high technology glass invented mainly for architectural faades and skylights in all overthe regions of the world. The complexity of skylight use in buildings for obtaining day lighting is alwayscrucial related to energy savings matter with the climatic nature in every region of the world, specificallyin the tropical zone of Surabaya city of Indonesia.This paper is written mainly to the intention of the world crisis energies and the green architecturedomain. Another crucial factor is the sustainability of the man-made skylighting-atrium buildings whichcould be existed for energy-savings in Indonesia.The sustainable energy savings dripped-water-skylight is the most suitable skylight installed inSurabayas climate not only for optimizing the direct sunlight and daylight in a room but it is also forreducing the direct and global solar radiation that has impacted on horizontal or slope skylights in everydirection. Besides, the sustainable dripped-water-skylight will decrease dramatically the temperature ofthe skylight structures and louvers that will effect directly to the need of energy cooling inbuildingscooling load.The use of dripped-water on the sustainable energy-savings skylight is defined as water friendlyarchitecture because the water has important functions for cooling applications that will lead to saveenergies such as, first, the cooling load energy will be decreased because of blocking the direct solarradiation by louvers and the low heat conduction of heat solar radiation from the skylight louversasevaporator unit. Secondly, the energy-saving for replacing the cooling tower on chiller unit is to lowerthe water temperature by simply dripping the water over the louversas replacement of cooling towerin air conditioning systems. Lastly, the energy of getting hot water is obtained by the solar tubesinstalled over the skylightas solar water heater unit.Obviously, the sustainability of the dripped-water-skylight buildings in terms of energy-savings forobtaining daylight, minimizing cooling load, and replacing cooling tower units as well as gaining hotwater could be achieved by simply install the sustainable energy-savings dripped-water-skylight in allbuildings in Surabaya.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan