Suwa, Y.; Tamura, H.; Taira, T.; Kagi, N.; Fujii, S.
Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan

In recent years, the control of airborne ions has become one of the important research items of indoorenvironment. Generally, it is quite difficult to get the sample of airborne ions, because their electriccharge might be discharged if they touch any surface. The authors considered that it would be possibleto evaluate how many of the sampled molecules had existed as ions in air, if the relationship betweenairborne ions concentration and its adsorption rate to the surface was clarified. In this research,absorption of condensed organic compound ions on the substrate faced to the corona discharge typeionizers was studied, and the model for the adhesion rate of ions on charged plate surface wasproposed. This model consists of the Langmuir-type surface absorption and the molecularsedimentation models, and the model contains electrostatic diffusion and the electrophoresis. Theauthors also added the influence of the fragmentation of target molecules to this model. As a result, thepredictions estimated by this model agreed well with the experiments.