Turner, W.; Awbi, H.
Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan

This paper presents further developments in a new study of a hybrid ventilation system suitable foruse in domestic buildings or classrooms. Currently the hybrid system is used solely for providing fresh,warm air. The system consists of a wall-mounted convector unit coupled with an extract fan to drawthe air into the convector. Fresh air from outside is tempered by circulating water around an internalheat exchange coil, before it passes into the room. This allows a constant supply of clean, filtered,conditioned air. Previous work involved the development of a computer model to predict air flow ratesthrough the system installed in a small room (Turner & Awbi 2006), and testing the potential for theunit to be used for cooling.This study attempts to further explore the behaviour of the unit through the use of multi-zone modelling.Three convectors were simulated in a small apartment under a range of varying weather conditions. Itwas found that the extract fan was the dominant factor governing the air flow through the system, andthat prevailing winds could increase the rate of ventilation.