1.1 User behaviourMany reservations against energy conservation and renewable energies result from lack ofknowledge and ignorance on this subject in the different social, age and professionalgroups. The user behaviour has a strong influence on the energy performance ofbuildings, it can increase or decrease the energy consumption for heating and lighting bymore than 50 %. Additionally it can influence the indoor comfort. A change to better userbehaviour is a no-cost measure for the building owner and will therefore be supported bythem. WP6 aims at informing, helping to develop a consciousness and therefore improvingthe users behaviour on energy questions.1.2 Building information sheet - BISHFor each target group (occupants like pupils and teachers or office workers/care-takersand maintenance personnel/administration) simple blackboard information sheet havebeen developed, which informs on positive and negative influence possibilities to theenergy consumption and indoor comfort of buildings. Besides showing the energyconsumption and/or cost differences they give advice on how to improve the comfort levelwith no and low-cost measures.Each participant has collected strategies and material on how to influence the userbehaviour in a positive way. The layout of the information sheets were defined and agreedto by the participants and the after the sheets had been developed in English they weretranslated into the language of each participant in order to reach the highest penetration.
Bibliographic info:
2nd EU FP6 Ecobuildings Symposium, City Hall Stuttgart, Germany, April 2008