With the UK commercial sector only replacing buildings at 1-1.5% per year adaptationsto existing buildings are needed to maintain comfort levels, while reducing energy useand carbon emissions. In this study, occupants of a refurbished office recorded theirthermal sensations, assessment of lighting and air movement, perceptions of comfort andtheir reactions to adaptive opportunities. The observed mean thermal sensation votes andthe overall comfort votes correlated best with mean diurnal internal and externaltemperatures, respectively. The results indicated heat balance models would not fullyexplain surveyed responses. However, occupants reported higher discomfort levels thanpredicted by the PMV model using on-site measurements. In the study opening windowswas voted to be the most favourite adaptive opportunity followed by controlling solarglare, turning lights off locally and controlling solar gain. Occupants also expresseddesires to intervene with heating and ventilation currently operated centrally but theygenerally did not change their clothing during the day. The study concluded that bothpassive and active adaptive opportunities are important in future low energy officerefurbishment strategies.
How adaptive comfort theories might influence future low energy office refurbishment strategies
Bibliographic info:
Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings - Getting it Right, 27-30 April 2006, Windsor Great Park, UK