A thermal comfort study was conducted at the School of Architecture, Institute ofTechnology Bandung (ITB) at Bandung - Indonesia, on the 8th October 2005. Bandung isthe capital of West Java province and is located at the 7o South Latitude. Situated at about700m above sea level, this city possesses a warm humid tropical climate with an averageminimum of monthly outdoor temperature of 18oC and an average maximum of 28oC.This study was carried out in a small lecture room, which was performed look like athermal chamber. A number of instruments were employed to measure the indoorclimatic parameters of the room, whilst, twenty participants of ten males and ten femalesof college-age students participated in this study voluntarily to give their thermalresponses. This paper discusses the whole study and provides some comparison toKaryono comfort study in Jakarta few years ago. It also provides some analyses to thebuilding energy conservation and the applicability of the Adaptive model in Indonesia.
Report on thermal comfort study in Bandung, Indonesia

Bibliographic info:
Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings - Getting it Right, 27-30 April 2006, Windsor Great Park, UK