Many criticisms have been made about existing software for building energy analysis and simulation. In this paper, we try to show the interest of the model-based approach. The credibility of simulation results is pointed out. Main aspects of the CSTB contribution, in the framework of the GER ALMETH, are presented : the PROFORMA project about model documentation, and the MODELOTHEQUE project aiming to the design of a specific model base and its intelligent management system. Although first tentative works have shown the interest of the approach, the proforma filling appears as a difficult task, leading to the specification of a new tool. The interest of making prototype has been raised again. The use of more knowledge about the models may increase the capabilities of the energy analysis systems. Through the use of advanced computer tools such as orientedobject knowledge representation and heterogeneous data base management systems, the opportunity is given to design new generation modelling and simulation environment.
Model-based computer modelling: an approach for building energy simulation improvement
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Vancouver, Canada, 1989, p. 187-192