From the observation that existing simulation programs exploit neither the subjacent parallelism in building energy management problems nor parallel computer possibilities, we develop certain principles and apply them to a well-known program, TRNSYS. To this end, we can call on the possibilities offered by object oriented programming, which permits in particular : the easy re-use of the existing programs, the transformation of a module into an independent process, communicating with other processes in a flexible data processing architecture (mono or multiprocessor machines), the display of an execution scheme, common to all the processes of the system; We have developed a compiler which analyses the TRNSYS deck and automatically generates the necessary code for a given simulation. The different levels permitting the communications are writen C++, in an UNIX environment. The old procedures, writen in Fortran, are re-used.
Parallelization of modular simulation programs in an object oriented environment: the TRNSYS case
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Nice, France, 1991, p. 243-248