The paper reports on the NODES project as a spin-off implementation of the EC-funded COMBINE project. NODES targets efficient data exchange in a LAN-connected engineering design team, where each member of the team, representing a separate node, communicates building and performance data with other members through a central data repository. The central conceptual building model and its implementation in an ODB (Object Data Base) is discussed. The focus will be on the CAD-tool supported "design node" and two "simulation nodes", i.e. one for a set of global evaluations and the other for solar irradiation and daylighting assessments. The global performance node deals with a variety of building physics criteria ranging from acoustical (traffic noise) to moisture and energy evaluations, thus confronting us with node?internal integration issues as well. Each node is equipped with a GUI, built from a generic view and selection module, with the aid of the COMBINE interface kit. All actual data exchange is accomplished by file transport over the network and fully adheres to the STEP standard. Both implementation issues as well as user aspects of the simulation network are highlighted.
An integrated simulation network
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 161-167