This paper describes the modelling and the experimental validation under ALLAN.TM Simulation software³ of a dwelling subjected to actual indoor and outdoor conditions. The construction of the global model is made in two steps: a downward analysis, by breaking up the system in elementary components; an upward synthesis, by assembling the elementary models into macro-models. Experimental data for the thermal behavior of the dwelling structure has been obtained at Gaz de France, Direction des Etudes et Techniques Nouvelles (St-Denis). Thanks to the modularity allowed by the ALLAN.TM tool, it was possible to perform validation analysis of the models. While this analysis exhibited some deficiencies in either the measurement procedures or the modelling analysis, the overall results showed the capacities of the software as a tool for building performance analysis.
Modelling and simulation of the thermal bahavior of a dwelling under ALLAN: accès à des logiciels en LAngage naturel or access to software in natural language
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 359-367