This paper discusses development of a library of equation-based models for building HVAC system simulation. The main source of the models is the ASHRAE Secondary Systems Toolkit (Brandemuehl 1993), augmented with primary system models from other sources in order to provide a library sufficient to model conunon HVAC systems. While the target of this work was the Simulation Problem Analysis Research Kernel (SPARK), a number of issues arising in construction of the library are of interest whenever models are to be expressed in equationbased, non-algorithmic form Among other results, it is shown that models of this nature benefit from finer modular granularity than equivalent component-oriented models, and that there are important issues of connectability and computational efficiency that can be addressed with a new approach to modeling units of physical measure.
HVAC component model libraries for equation-based solvers
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Madison, USA, 1995, p. 189-196