Masakazu Moriyama and Hideki Takebayashi
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 6, 1999, Kyoto, Japan, p. 1131-1136

It is required that the urban air temperature is estimated on the average and macroscopically for studying the urban thermal environmental problems in summer. The diurnal variations of urban air temperature and heat budget components are investigated using one dimensional heat budget model. The evaporative efficiency and the anthropogenic heat were estimated by means of inverse operation using the observed air temperature. Good coincidence was obtained with the observed air temperature and the calculated. The diurnal variations of convective heat flux and latent heat flux presented unusual variation. The main reasons of this unusual variation are considered the influence of the advection effect caused by sea breeze, the transfer coefficient of surface layer used here, and the assumption of the thermal properties on the urban earth surface.