The continuing development of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard by the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) creates new possibilities for achieving interoperability for design software through the use of a common object model of the building and its open data transfer standard. Several architectural CAD tools are already IFC compliant. However, in-depth knowledge of the highly complex IFC object model is required to develop IFC-compliant software. It has proven quite difficult to read the huge amount of building data stored in an IFC file, extract the information needed by a particular application, and correctly update the IFC file with new data. To make this work easier for developers not familiar with the IFC, Olof Granlund Oy has developed a new development tool, BSPro COM-Server for IFC Files. Using this tool, a software developer of new or existing tools can achieve IFC compatibility with a quite reasonable amount of work.
BSPRO COM-SERVER: interoperability between software tools using industry foundation classes
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 7, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p. 747-757