A two-level analysis was used to study the economic potential of implementing Building Cooling, Heating and Power (BCHP) technologies in the U.S. A simplified level allowed limiting the full evaluation to seven major metropolitan areas and seven typical service applications in three basic configurations. The more rigorous level of simulation involved studies of 147 cases and involved software developed at GTI. This software employed DOE21.E computational engine to generate 8760 hourly building load profiles. Also, calculated were the energy consumption and costs as based on the specific electric and gas rate structures and equipment characteristics. The results rate the three types of systems, i.e. the power generation without heat recovery, (DG), power generation with heath recovery to heating and domestic hot water, (CHP), and power generation with heat recovery for heating, domestic hot water and absorption cooling, (BCHP).
Simulation and evaluation of markets for building cooling heating and power applications in the U.S.

Bibliographic info:
BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands, p. 251-258