Accurate assessment of both surface and interstitial condensation risk at the design stage of buildings is of great importance - not just to minimise the damaging effects moisture can cause to building envelopes, but also to contribute to the provision of adequate indoor air quality. Guidance certainly does exist with regards to limiting thermal bridging in order to prevent condensation occurring on new constructions. However, a recent study has provided clear evidence that the reality, both in translating the available guidance into a specific design and in construction on site is often rather different from the ‘ideal’. This paper reports on that study and compares and evaluates the hygrothermal performance of construction details for different phases during the building life cycle. The results of both the surface and interstitial condensation risk simulations under both steady-state and transient conditions are presented and discussed. Significant differences in the hygrothermal performance of ‘standard’ and ‘as built’ construction details are observed.