S.Lo Nigro, F.Patania and M.Roccaforte
Bibliographic info:
Radon in the Living Environment, 1999, Athens, Greece

To evaluate the dose arising from exposure to Rn Decay Products (RDP) a term often used isunattached fraction defined as the ratio of the Equilibrium Equivalent Concentration (EEC) arising from unattached radon decay products (URDP) to the total decay products, that is fu=EECu/EECt. This term is important because the large portion of the dose to the bronchial tissue per unit of inhaled activity is thought to arise due to inhalation and deposition of the URDP. In fact dosimetric model have indicated [1] that the ratio of the dose due to the URDP ranges from 13 to 30 in function of the modelling details and assumption. More over the RDP that produce greatest health risks are that ones with their decay process characterising by ? particles emission [2] both because ? particles have mass very bigger than ? and ? particles and because very big emission velocity too, that is biggest energy contents. In this way a new series of deepened measures are carried out by Portable Gas Surveyor (Silenia-Prassi mod 5s) and CAMERADON (RADON CHAMBER) nearly by same procedures of our previous survey.Aim of this paper is to show the obtained results of measures campain that in general confirmefficacy of our control method [3] especially in the case of high level of RDP indoor concentration.[1] James A.C. "Lung Dosimetry" Radon and its Decay Products in Indoor Air, W.W. Nazarof and A.V.Nero, Wiler Interscience, New York, 1988, p.p. 259-309.[2] F.Patania, A. Gagliano, "Radon Secret and Detrimental effects on Indoor Health, II InternationalConference Cold Climate HVAC, Rowaniemy (Finland), March 1994.[3] S.Lo Nigro, F. Patania, "A new method to Control Health effects of radon Indoor Pollution" IIERRICCA Meeting, Gent (Belgium), March 1998.