The proceedings of the seventh AIVC Conference contain 16 papers and 5 posters as follows: Requirements for adequate and user-acceptable ventilation installations in dwellings; Ventilation air infiltration and building occupant behaviour; A prelim
7th AIVC Conference - Stratford-upon-Avon, UK - 29 September-2 October 1986
The 7th AIVC Conference - Occupant interaction with ventilation systems was held in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, 29 September - 2 October 1986.
Contains 27 papers.
Volume content
7th AIVC Conference: Occupant Interaction with ventilation systems (Book of Proceedings) | 1986 | English
Keynote address of the 7th AIVC Conference.
This paper discusses the use of trickle ventilators in the design for natural ventilation in dwellings.
Within the framework of the International Energy flgency (IEA) Annex VIII , "Inhabitants Behaviour with Regard to Ventilation" an investigation has been carried out on the use of windows in an apartment building in Schiedam.
Influence of night-time ventilation reduction on indoor air quality in Danish blocks of flats. | 1986 | English
The paper describes the main results from a research project performed by "The Mobile Laboratory of Indoor Climate Measurements" one of the five mobile laboratories of the Institute.
During winter periods in four types of newly built terraced dwellings and in apartments of a flatbuilding,the daily behaviour and motivations of the inhabitants with respect to airing and ventilation have been studied.
A detailed statistical analysis of window use and its effect on the ventilation rate in 2400 Belgian social houses. | 1986 | English
A large inquiry campaign began in 1985 on 100 social housing estates and 2,334 families were visited. The housing estates were selected according to their age, location, type of building (dwelling/apartment) and heating system.
Occupants can significantly influence both the heating energy requirements and the indoor air quality of a building by opening and closing doors and windows.
In this paper we approach the subject of ventilation and occupant behavior in multifamily buildings by asking three questions: 1) why and how do occupants interact with ventilation in an apartment building, 2) how does the physical environment (i.
One of the most important reasons for ventilation of dwellings is moisture control. Ventilation strategies differ.
The occupants' behaviour is one of the parameters which has the greatest influence on the air change in the dwelling. This applies both to naturally and to mechanically ventilated dwellings.
20 low-income family houses were studied for Air Changes per Hour and Equivalent Leakage Area as measured by the Blower Door Test during the winter of 1985-86.
Influence of the meteorological conditions on the inhabitants' behaviour in dwellings with mechanical ventilation. | 1986 | English
Within the framework of the national research project "Ventilationin Housing Construction", studies on occupants ' ventilation behaviour were conducted in a demonstration building in Duisburg- Neumuhl (Federal Rep.
The role of the occupant in buildings energy use has been evident in studies in many countries.
Centrally controlled mechanical exhaust air ventilation systems in residential buildings can satisfactorily serve only a few of the inhabitants.
A group of 18 identical well-insulated experimental houses in Sweden, utilizing a user controlled exhaust fan ventilation system, was monitored during 1985- 1986.
The use of passive ventilation systems for condensation control in dwellings and their effect upon energy consumption. | 1986 | English
The need for reduced energy consumption has led to an overall decrease of air infiltration rates in buildings. particularly in dwellings. Unfortunately. this has given rise to a significant number of problems involving condensation.
In France, most of the ventilation systems in dwellings now consist of exhaust vents linked up with a fan, and air inlets.
In order to save energy, i.e. ventilation heat losses, the fresh air change rate should be adapted to the prevailing need.
A balanced ventilation system with heat recovery was designed and installed into an 11 storey prefabricated block building. Monitoring of the system operation was accomplished during a year.