Vol1: Twenty eight papers from the twelventh AIVC Conference, titles as follows: “The Message of Annex 20: Air Flow Patterns within Buildings”; “Evaluation of Measured & Computer Test Case Results from Annex 20, SubTask 1”; “Models for the Pre
12th AIVC Conference - Ottawa, Canada - 24-27 September 1991
The 12th AIVC Conference - Air movement and ventilation control within buildings, was held in Ottawa, Canada, 24-27 September 1991.
Contains 88 papers.
Volume content
12th AIVC Conference "Air Movement and Ventilation Control within Buildings" (Book of Proceedings) | 1991 | English
Numerical modeling is performed to predict airflow patterns, thermal comfort, and ventilation air distribution within an open office space.
Sandberg and Skaret differentiate between the terms air change efficiency and ventilation effectiveness.
Influence of radiative participation of inside air on natural convection in a room. | 1991 | English
The basis of this study are experimental results obtained on a real scale cell in controlled climatic conditions which are used to show the potential influence of radiative participation of inside air on natural convection in a room.
The airflow pattern and thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated classroom were predicted using CFD techniques.
As part of the AIVC's technical programme, study has been performed on present and advanced ventilation systems.
An integral mass balance formulation of the constant concentration tracer technique. | 1991 | English
This paper extends the integral mass balance approach to the remaining constant concentration technique.
Building design assessment through coupled heat and air flow simulation: two case studies. | 1991 | English
This paper is concerned with the application of air flow simulation in design.
Turbulent modelling of airflow patterns and ventilation effectiveness in a half scale office building. | 1991 | English
The concentrations of indoor pollutants should be maintained below recommended values at all occupied locations at any time.
Reverberant sound excitation and the sound intensity technique have been used for the measurement of the sound transmission loss of narrow slits in rigid walls.
The paper discusses methods to set boundary conditions at the air supply opening in predictions of room air flows with computational fluid dynamics.
Simultaneous calculation of airflows, temperatures and contaminant concentrations in multi-zone buildings. | 1991 | English
The computer programs published so far have enabled the calculation of airflows at constant temperatures or of air temperatures at constant airflows.
Application of hot wirelfilm ariemometry in room air flows presents difficulties because: (1) the effect of natural convection due to the heated wire beconies significant for low air velocity measurements; (2) the angle sensitivity of a hot wire b
Modelling complex inlet geometries in CFD - applied to air flow in ventilated rooms. | 1991 | English
Modern inlet devices applied in the field of ventilation of rooms are getting more complex in terms of geometry in order to fulfil the demand for thermal comfort of the occupants in the room and in order to decrease the energy consumption This exp
Investigation of a combined ventilation and heating system for residential buildings. | 1991 | English
Combined ventilation and heating systems in floors demand extensive investigations about the heat transfer before they could be installed in residential buildings.
A set of diagrams for estimating flow coefficients and exponents in the power law flow equation for cracks are presented.
Modelling of airflows, temperatures and contaminant levels for localized ventilation systems. | 1991 | English
Results of 3-D computational fluid dynamic simulations of the air flows, temperature distribution and contaminant remove efficiencies for typical workstation configurations which include the option for localized supply of outdoor air will be prese
Experimental investigation of convective couplings across various doorways under horizontal temperature gradients. | 1991 | English
Inter-zone convection affects the general movements of air in a building and must be evaluated for accurate thermal zones heat and mass balance.
A new approach for the numerical identification of interzonal airflows from tracer gas measurements. | 1991 | English
This paper presents a new approach to determine the interzonal airflows of a multizone system using tracer gas measurements.
Both infiltration and exfiltration has a predominant influence on the space heating requirements in cold climates. Good predictive design methods are required to estimate the air leakage component in buildings.