In 2002 the Association for Air Tightness in Buildings (FLiB e. V.) established a certification procedure for airtightness testers in Germany. As airtightness tests are part of national implementation of EPBD but no qualification requirements for testers are defined FLiB e. V. took the lead and defined a procedure.
Part of the certification procedure is the proof of knowledge of airtightness testing. The tester shall be engineer, technician or a master craftsman. Furthermore the ability of testing must be proven be sending 5 test protocols acc. EN 13829 or by attending a FLiB approved education program.
The FLIB certification is recognised of several funding organisations in Germany that make it mandatory to have the airtightness test been performed by a certified tester as e.g. a tester with FLiB certificate.
Quality system for airtightness measurement of buildings
Bibliographic info:
32nd AIVC Conference " Towards Optimal Airtightness Performance", Brussels, Belgium, 12-13 October 2011