The airtightness of a building envelope impacts upon the magnitude of uncontrolled air leakage and associated ventilation energy losses. A building's airtightness can be assessed using a steady state fan pressurisation technique.
24th AIVC and BETEC Conference - Washington D.C., USA - 12-14 October 2003
The 24th AIVC and BETEC Conference, Ventilation, Humidity control and energy, was held in Washington D.C., USA, 12- 14 October 2003.
Contains 56 papers
Volume content
A comparison of residential ventilation codes and standards requirements in cold climate areas of the United States of America, Canada and selected northern european countries | 2003 | English
The study reviewed each Code/Standard with respect to requirements relating to acommon set of ventilation factors and criteria. The main factors include the following:1.
Passive cooling strategies require strict adherence to the physical world.
User "friendly" residential ventilation system control strategies and effectiveness | 2003 | English
The most efficient ventilation system would only operate on demand, when ventilation was "needed".
This is a personal set of comments giving the author's impressions of the papers presented at the conference.
For the building team, the design of library, archives and museum facilities brings with it special responsibilities. Archive and conservation facilities require the highest levels of preservation and maintenance of the building environment.
Cavity wall is often proposed in the building envelope design as a solution for improving the thermal comfort of the inhabitants and reducing the adverse condensation effects on the building fabric.
Can adventitious ventilation negatively impact moisture performance of building envelopes in moderate climates ? | 2003 | English
In moderate climates, adventitious ventilation helps in keeping the water vapor balance in a building under control. This does not hold in hot and humid climates, where the outside air is a moisture source.
In recent years, poor indoor climate has caused health problems for building occupants.
Variable zone multipoint analysis in enclosure with turbulent transport properties in advanced thermal energy reduction technique | 2003 | English
Many recently developed energy-reducing strategies with respect to heat loads in residential interiorsincluded in simulation programs possess extensive capabilities in handling these loads (gains orsinks) for each zone - spatial unit designed for
A manufactured home has been installed on the NIST campus for ventilation, energy andindoor air quality studies. The primary purposes of the facility are to study mechanicalventilation requirements for U.S.
Simulations of indoor air quality and ventilation impacts of demand controlled ventilation in commercial and institutional buildings | 2003 | English
Carbon-dioxide (CO2) based demand controlled ventilation (DCV) offers the potential for moreenergy efficient building ventilation compared with constant ventilation rates based on designoccupancy.
Ventilation in dutch houses, a study in a representative sample of the dutch housing stock | 2003 | English
The goal of this study was the determination of the existing situation in houses with regard to air quality and energy used for ventilation in relation to the health of inhabitants.
The airflows through a one family prototype building have been simulated. Supply openings in living room and bedrooms have a size of 200 and 400 cm2 respectively.
A concept is investigated for the energy efficient control of residential mechanical ventilation in response to outdoor air temperature and the corresponding stack-driven infiltration.
Residential dehumidification and ventilation systems research for hot-humid climates | 2003 | English
Twenty homes were tested and monitored in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. to evaluate humidity controlperformance and operating cost of six different integrated dehumidification and ventilation systems that could be applied by production homebuilders.
Field characterization of the envelope leakage of houses for determining rehabilitation priorities | 2003 | English
This paper presents the results of a field study conducted on 8 houses (out of a set of 31) owned and managed by a French social housing public leasing company.
IEA ECBCS Annex 36 : Energy Concept Adviser for Technical Retrofit Measures - An internet-based Tool on Information, Assessment and Concept Development of Energy-saving Retrofit Strategies | 2003 | English
Research partners of 10 different countries are developing a computer tool in the framework of IEA ECBCS Annex 36, which helps decision makers to include the most energy-efficient and economic technical retrofit measures into the retrofit of their
Analysis of a ventilated residential building by means of an air based radiative cooling system | 2003 | English
The thermal performance of a monozone building located in Lisbon is studied when night ventilation combined with radiative cooling is used in order to remove the heat from indoors.
Single- and double-section manufactured homes were instrumented in 2001-2003 to measure continuous energy usage and air infiltration with respect to the environmental conditions of a windy cold dry climate.