Air Information Review, March 2006 (27,2)
Table of content (hyperlinks are for subscribers only)
- New AIVC Technical Note - Efficacy of Intermittent Ventilation for Providing Acceptable Indoor Air Quality - 1
- Air Barrier Association of America - 2
- New ventilation requirements in Flemish Region - 2
- Heat-waves: risks and responses - 3
- Final report on passive cooling - 3
- Use of Earth to Air Heat Exchangers for Cooling - 4
- New ECA report «Harmonisation of indoor material emissions labelling systems in the EU» - 4 Download the new ECA report
- ASHRAE launches a new eLearning system - 5
- Heat and Mass Transport in Building Materials, Components and Whole Buildings from Fundamentals to New Advances - 5
- European BlowerDoor-Symposium - 6
- PhD Course in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental methods in building related flows - 6CLIMA 2007 - 6
- Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings X International Conference - 6
- Passive and low energy cooling for the built environment - PALENC 2005 - 6
- Outcome of workhsop «Energy Efficient technologies for governmental buildings -new and retrofits» - 7
- State-of-the-art of ventilation standard in Korea - 7
- AIVC Conference 2006 - 8-11
- EPBD Buildings Platform - 12
- A series of new European SAVE projects have started - 12
- Commissioning of buildings and HVAC systems for improved energy performance IEA ECBCS Annex 40 - 13