This report describes a harmonised procedure for establishing a list of compounds and their associated LCI (Lowest Concentration of Interest) values for the evaluation of emissions from construction products (EU-LCI) taking into account existing procedures used in some Member States (i.e. ANSES in France and AgBB in Germany). It provides an appropriate health‐protective, science-based and transparent yet pragmatic approach with a flexible framework that enables review of the EU-LCI procedure to take into account new knowledge (e.g. data resulting from the REACH implementation process) for uture revision of the EU-LCI master list in terms of both the compounds listed and their EU-LCI values.
ECA 29: Harmonisation framework for health based evaluation of indoor emissions from construction products in the European Union using the EU-LCI concept
Bibliographic info:
EUR 26168 - European Collaborative Action: Urban Air, Indoor Environment and Human Exposure - Environment and Quality of Life