International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Contains 153 papers

Volume content

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Sisley  is  an  open  software  that  uses  the  volume element method to model two-dimensional heat transfer problems under transient and steady-state conditions.
F. Déqué, J. Noel, J.J. Roux
Just in time for the 25th anniversary a new version of the international well-known simulation tool TRNSYS is released: TRNSYS 15.
M. Hiller, S. Holst, A.Knirsch, M. Schuler
Natural  ventilation  represents  an  important  design strategy for school buildings in warm humid regions. It is an efficient way to improve students’ thermal comfort and productivity by natural means.
Leonardo Bittencourt and Luciana Peixoto
This paper refers to the existence of the variety modes and 'Chaos' in building natural ventilation or smoke venting, systems, and provides the some computational instances by means of the network model.
Katsumichi Nitta
This paper reports on an ongoing research project aiming at prediction of the sound insulation proper- ties of a specific type of facade panel by means of computational tools and experiments.
Marinus van der Voorden, Lau Nijs and Hanneke Spoorenberg
In a larger research program on ‘cost versus value evaluations in the early design stages of technical buildings’, a study and software implementation has been made to simulate HVAC expertise using an Integrated Early Design Environment.
H. Schevers, F.P. Tolman
Formal  independent  testing  has  been  an  integral component in the development of EnergyPlus, a new building energy simulation program. Testing to date has included analytical, comparative, sensitivity, range, and empirical tests.
Michael J. Witte, Robert H. Henninger, Jason Glazer, Drury B. Crawley
This paper provides an overview of how building simulation is used to support a Canadian Govern- ment energy-efficient incentive programme.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Rob Calla, Maria Mottillo, Julia Purdy, Paul Wyndham-Wheeler, Phylroy Lopez, Francois Dubrous, Mike Lubun
The simultaneous optimization of building’s fabric construction, the size of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, and the HVAC system supervisory control strategy, would auto- matically account for the thermal coupling between
Jonathan Wright and Raziyeh Farmani
We present the practical application of two models SustArc (Capeluto and Shaviv 1997, 1999) and FLUENT 5.0.2 (1999) to the design of a new business district in Tel Aviv incorporating solar and wind rights.
E. Shaviv, A. Yezioro, Isaac G. Capeluto
Two  prototype  office  buildings  with  low  internal gains were simulated using DOE2 software  to evaluate its energy consumption in different urban microclimates.
Joyce Carlo and Roberto Lamberts
The  paper  describes  case  study  of  application  of computer simulation in the field of operational energy costs distribution in the building  with variable operation and no possibility of direct energy consumption measuring.
Karel Kabele, Lada Centnerova, Zuzana Krtkova
For users and developers of energy simulation software tools, knowledge of which inputs have a signif- icant impact on the simulation results is very impor- tant, as this will dictate which areas of the building justify additional development and 
Julia Purdy and Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
This  paper  describes  a  new  approach  of  using simulation directly in construction industry in Czech Republic.
Terezie Dunovská and Jan Hensen
This    paper    summarizes    the    recently concluded PhD study by the first author. The study addressed uncertainties in building performance evaluations and their potential impact on design decisions.
Sten de Wit, Godfried Augenbroe
The design of buildings is a multi-criterion optimization problem, there always being a trade- off to be made between capital expenditure, operating cost, and occupant thermal comfort.
Jonathan Wright and Heather Loosemore
This paper deals with the development and the testing of a simulation algorithm for the temperature behaviour and the flow characteristics of double façades.
Jörn von Grabe, Rüdiger Lorenz, Ben Croxford
This work is a multidisciplinary approach of natural ventilation in hot and humid climates. Our aim is the control of thermal comfort in tropical towns. We evaluate the natural ventilation potential of different shapes of the dense housing.
Frédéric Bonneaud, Marjorie Musy and Patrick Depecker
Computer models used to predict building heating and cooling energy and occupant thermal comfort at present rely on climate data collected at a remote meteorological station.
Terry J. Williamson1 and Evyatar Erel
A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole-building thermal simulation.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
