This paper proposes the methodology to quantify the individual difference in temperature regulation of human body for transient simulation of body temperature. Experiments of transient thermal exposure were conducted for four subjects and the characteristics of individual difference in themoregulatory response were observed quantitatively. As the result, the differences in core temperature and heart rate were significant. For each subject, the physiological coefficients used in the two-node model were adjusted in order to minimize the difference between experimental and calculated values in a series of a representative transient state in core and skin temperature. With the combination of the coefficients determined, the skin and core temperatures calculated with the two-node model agreed well with the experimental results for all the subjects involved in the experiments. This shows that the individual difference in the regulation of body temperature is well described with the combination of the coefficients determined by the optimization.
Thermal model of human body temperature regulation considering individual difference

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China