The simulation of building efficiency and cost is a crucial driver to contemporary building design today. This paper presents the development of a software tool to simulate the lifecycle costs of building construction and maintenance. It is a part of the nD modelling tool development and also based on the overall system architecture of the nD modelling tool. nD modelling aims to integrate a number of design dimensions into a holistic model, which would enable users to portray and visually project the building design over its complete lifecycle. The overall architecture of the nD modelling tool is based upon IFC models, which are visualized in an integrated and interactive user interface. Thus, this tool can inherit design information through IFC models, which may be converted from the design drawings generated in various CAD systems. This lifecycle costing tool provides users with the options of different building materials and constructing methods on individual building components. Designers can make their decisions based on the lifecycle cost performance of these materials and constructing methods. The detailed maintenance costs across the building lifecycle and the cost components are clearly illustrated in charts and tables. Some key parameters of lifecycle costing can also be modified, and the dynamic changes of the lifecycle costs can also be revealed in the charts and tables promptly. Finally, the evaluations and conclusions of this tool also are discussed and drawn.
The Lifecycle Costing Simulation for Building Construction and Maintenance in nD Modelling

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China