Rajat Gupta and Smita Chandiwala
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2009, Glasgow, Scotland

This paper describes the development, application and analysis of an interactive user-friendly Code for Sustainable Homes based toolkit called Sustainability  appraisal Toolkit (SAT) commissioned by a leading UK social housing provider. The SAT software runs on MS Excel and is used to evaluate the technical and economical feasibility of achieving Code levels 4, 5 and 6 for a representative sample of new-build dwellings in the UK for different scales of development (single-home, 25-home and 250-home development). The research emphasises the importance of maximising energy efficiency improvements to the fabric and form of a dwelling, before adding optimum low/zero carbon systems (if required). The paper also concludes that a mix of energy technologies is required depending upon the site and scale of development, and the cost varies  with scale to meet different levels of the Code.