To reduce the potential problems of window systems such as undesired heat gain (loss), glare, and thermal discomfort due to asymmetric radiation, double-skin systems have been introduced. The current problem with double skin systems is that their operation requires an adequate simulation model to realize optimal control of the system. The estimation of the parameters in the lumped model developed in a previous study (Park et al 2004a) was based on ‘laborious’ off-line calibration procedure. This effort has to be repeated for every different size, different type, or differently oriented façade system. Different façade components are characterized by different thermal and optical properties of glazing and louvers, system configurations [height, width, depth], other simulation variables, etc. For each type the parameter set in the lumped model has to be established through a calibration procedure. In view of micro climate variations even same type systems within one façade but on different heights may have to be calibrated separately. In order to avoid the laborious off-line calibration of every single façade component, an online self-calibrating procedure is developed in this paper. The true advantage of the technique is that every component can be pre-wired and ready to be hooked to the calibration set-up when it is brought to the site. The paper will explain the simulation model, selection of calibration parameters, and the process of on-line self-calibration, model validation and application of optimal control. It is shown that the on-line self-calibrating simulation model far outperforms the off-line calibrated model. Consequently, the plug and play self-calibration technique will render the current in-situ ‘laborious’ off-line calibration process obsolete.