F. R. Carrié, M. Kapsalaki and P. Wouters
Bibliographic info:
8th International BUILDAIR Symposium on Building and Ductwork Airtightness ,7-8 June 2013, Hannover, Germany

Legislative drivers and new research with demonstrated energy impact on the importance of building and ductwork airtightness are leading to increased activity in this aspect of building energy performance. The paper reviews examples of European countries that account for both building and ductwork airtightness and thus include in their energy performance regulations required or recommended minimum airtightness levels with or without mandatory testing. It addresses incentives through calculation procedures and subsidies that reward a good level of building airtightness. A summary of qualification schemes for competent testers, development of airtightness networks, specific trainings and awareness raising is provided together with information on existing envelope air leakage databases and monitoring of the building stock. This paper is based on the BUILD UP overview article entitled as: ‘Right and Tight: What’s new in ductwork and building airtightness’ published on the 19th of March 2013 available at: http://www.buildup.eu/news/34788