Monitoring energy and temperatures in dwellings is becoming commonplace due to the reduction in sens-ing costs. Measurements can be used for informing the occupants on their energy as well as developing better inputs for building performance simulation and verifying analysis. In a home monitoring environment making sense of this data can be difficult as the number of measurements increases; one of the key challenges for the homeowner and for organisations that collect and analysis energy data is understanding what can and cannot be ‘seen’ in the data. In building simula-tion, there is a growing interest in applying uncertainty to generate robust model predictions, however there is also a need to understand the uncertainties in measure-ments used. What is often missed in these analysis is an evaluation of the uncertainties in the measure-ments in relation to the intended analysis. This paper presents a set of typical domestic energy monitoring measurements that have recently been collected as part of a 4 year research project in the UK. Levels of un-certainty are evaluated and the consequences for typ-ical metrics used in energy and comfort analysis are discussed.