39th AIVC Conference evaluation results available!

The evaluation questionnaire of the 39th AIVC conference: “Smart Ventilation for buildings” was sent out to 207 attendees of the event. The summary of the main outcomes listed below, result from the feedback of 99 participants who filled in the evaluation form.
General outcomes:
- The conference met the expectations of 90% of the participants
- 81% of the participants would recommend the conference to others
- 75% of the participants would attend another conference on this topic
Conference Sessions Content: 95% of the participants agreed that the content of the conference sessions was appropriate and informative
Quality of information presented: 90% of the participants rated the quality of information presented as excellent or satisfactory
Conference Organisation: 98% of the participants agreed that the conference was well organised
Registration Process: 87% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the registration process
Conference Publicity: 76% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the conference publicity
Conference Venue: 96% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the conference venue
Conference Material: 70% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the conference material provided
Food & beverages: 93% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the food and beverages