IEA EBC technical day June 11 in Brussels - Presentations now available
The symposium "Activities of IEA TCP on Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC TCP)", organised by Dutch Flemish Buildings Physics Association (NVBV) and the Belgian Building Research Institute (WTCB-CSTC-BBRI), took place on the 11th of June 2019 in Brussels, Belgium from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. . During this event activities of various Technical Collaboration Programmes (TCP) of the International Energy Agency were presented with a focus on the energy reduction in the built environment and the reduction of CO2- emissions.
The symposium explained the various activities. Special attention was paid to the Belgian and Dutch context. The results of a diverse selection of projects were presented, including energy resources on community and building level, the indoor environment and the role of users.
The presentations of the event are now available for download at: