2nd EPBD article 19a Stakeholder meeting – 28 November, 2019
Following the 1st EPBD article 19a stakeholder meeting which took place in June 2019 and where stakeholders discussed the state of the art regarding existing schemes in relation to the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and optional building renovation passports, the 2nd stakeholder meeting aims to present the impact analyses and discuss the relevance, feasibility and possible scope of measures at EU-level.
The objectives of the 2nd stakeholder meeting are to:
- Define and discuss possible approaches to the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and building renovation passports
- Describe the impact analyses methodologies and their boundary conditions
- Present preliminary outcomes of these impact analyses
- Examine and discuss possible EU policy options to the inspection of standalone ventilation systems and building renovation passports
- Collect stakeholder input and feedback on the possible scope of potential measures
- Discuss the future of inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and building renovation passports
The meeting takes place in Brussels on 28 November 2019, at Centre Albert Borschette, room 1.D (first floor), Rue Froissart 36, as follows:
- Morning session (10:00-13:00): Inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems
- Afternoon session (14:00-17:00): Building renovation passport
If you are not able to attend, the link below allows you to follow the meeting via webstreaming.