Many European programs offer eco-conditioned financial aid to support public policies for the decarbonization of buildings. This is the case, for example, of the 2017-2022 ERDF Operational Program, which financially assists social project management for energy efficient refurbishment operations of its building stock. The eligibility conditions for financial aids concern the energy consumption, the thermal insulation performance of the building envelope and the energy efficiency of heating, cooling and ventilation systems. The current specifications for this program do not condition financial aid on performance criteria on indoor air quality (IAQ), ventilation and the airtightness of the building envelope.
The objective of the RENOVAIR project is to study the impact on occupants’ comfort and health of the energy renovation work of low-consumption social housing, when no obligation is made on the performance of IAQ, ventilation and building envelope airtightness.
This three-year project is based on 7 ERDF program candidate operations for the energy efficient refurbishment of multi-family social housing in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region (south-west of France). In this work, we seek to characterize the IAQ, comfort, airtightness and ventilation performance, before and after the refurbishment works, as part of on-site measurement campaigns over 21 dwellings, in order to investigate on the importance of such requirements for building decarbonization public policies.
In this paper, we present the constructive typologies of the pilot operations, the operating protocol of the measurement campaigns and the preliminary results of the first campaign.
On each of the 7 pilot sites, 3 dwellings have been selected to be subject to metrological monitoring and occupants surveys. The overall protocol is composed of 4 parts:
- A ventilation audit on each dwelling, based on the PROMEVENT protocol, applicable to new dwellings subject to the new French regulations RE2020 ; it consists in airflow measurements, visual diagnosis, functional checks and occupants survey.
- airtightness measurements of each dwellings with a Blowerdoor, according to the ISO 9972 standard test protocol. A qualitative classification of the leaks is carried out according to the methodology of regulatory controls for new constructions, for the French thermal regulation RE2020.
- IAQ measurements for a week during the winter period, through dynamic measurements of temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide and passive measurements of volatile organic compounds in each dwelling,
- surveys and measurements of occupants’ comfort by GreenMeR commercially available multi-sensor measuring stations to characterize the indoor environment quality (temperature, humidity, CO2, noise, lighting) in each dwelling for one week, during winter period.
Finally, we present the first results of this work, that characterize the initial state of the dwellings and we discuss the expected impact on the energy performance of the energy refurbishment works.