This manuscript discusses the energy-saving benefits of gas-phase air cleaning in Nordic buildings. Ventilation systems are crucial in creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. These systems account for around 30% of building heat losses in cold climate regions. Indoor emissions from materials, occupants, and outdoor pollutants are key to ensuring acceptable indoor air quality levels. Therefore, this study focuses on using gas-phase air cleaning technologies in low-energy centralized air handling units. By simulating the heating performance of a typical residential and office building in central Sweden, we examine the impact of indoor air recirculation rates and air changes per hour on heating demand and indoor gaseous air pollution concentration. The results indicate that indoor air recirculation can reduce heating demand by approximately 10% for residential buildings and 20% for office buildings while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality.
Exploring the Energy-Saving Benefits of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning in Nordic Buildings
Languages: English | Pages: 2 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023