Nowadays, people spend most of their time indoors. Homes, offices, leisure and workplaces must meet people’s needs and provide safe, healthy and productive environments. The supply of fresh air plays an important role in achieving these goals. Not only by providing the right temperature and humidity but even more with the purity of the air inside the rooms. A recent study of the World Health Organization showed a significant correlation between yesterday’s particulate matters concentration in outdoor air and today’s death rate counting 7 million deaths in 2022 caused by air pollution. In recent years, the Ecodesing regulation of the European Union has helped to solve the dilemma between reducing energy consumption and creating a healthy indoor environment by adding highly efficient energy recovery components. However, the variation between the real and the declared performances of air handling units shows a substantial difference between what is expected and the real quality of the air in the market. Eurovent Certita Certification is a third-party certification company that do market surveillance for HVAC products for more than 20 years now. A new Hygienic Air Handling Unit program has been created. This program has 59 additional verification criteria to those of the original AHU program and categorize the unit by number of stars depending on the application. This program provides the insurance that the unit provide the pure air ventilation when most needed.
Hygienic Air Handling Unit Certification Program: the new necessity for a guaranteed indoor air quality

Languages: English | Pages: 18 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023