REHVA Journal’s February 2025 Edition Features Papers from the AIVC 2024 Conference!

27-02-2025 |
The February 2025 edition of the REHVA Journal has been released, featuring the theme "IEQ at 44th AIVC conference, Model IEQ regulation to fulfil the EPBD 2024"!
The issue includes, among other articles, a selection of papers presented at the 44th AIVC conference - 12th TightVent - 10th venticool conference: "Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality" held in Dublin on October 9-10, 2024.
Featured articles include:
- Advances in performance evaluation of residential ventilation systems, Arnold Janssens (Operating Agent AIVC, Research Group Building Physics, Ghent University, BE)
- State-of-the art on the use of performance-based approaches for residential ventilation in 2024, Gaëlle Guyot (Cerema, FR), Valérie Leprince (Cerema, FR), Baptiste Poirier (Cerema, FR), Jakub Kolarik (DTU, DK)
- How a harm budget can be used to regulate Indoor Air Quality in Dwellings, Benjamin Jones (University of Nottingham, UK), Giobertti Morantes (University of Nottingham, UK), Constanza Molina (OUC, Chile), Max Sherman (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Balanced Ventilation is Energy Efficient and Healthy, Piet Jacobs (TNO, NL), Wim Kornaat (TNO, NL), Wouter Borsboom (TNO, NL)
- Adaptive comfort technology for temperature control in balanced ventilation systems, Bart Cremers (Zehnder Group Zwolle, NL)
- Indoor Air Quality in Children Daycare Centers with Baby Beds, Hailin Zheng (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL), Marcel Loomans (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL), Shalika Walker (Kropman Installatietechniek, NL), Twan van Hooff (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL), Wim Zeiler (Kropman Installatietechniek & Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
- The Influence of Outdoor Conditions on Indoor Air Quality in Norwegian Schools, Azimil Gani Alam (NTNU, NO), Iselin Ørbek Eide (NTNU, NO), Christer Eskedal (N3 Norge AS, NO), Kai Gustavsen (Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, NO), Kent Hart (Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, NO), Guangyu Cao (NTNU, NO)
- Ventilative cooling in buildings – standardisation perspective and corresponding workshop at AIVC 2024 conference in Dublin, Ireland, Christoffer Plesner (VELUX A/S, DK), Jannick Roth (WindowMaster International A/S, DK)
You can read and freely download the full issue here.