Natural and mechanical ventilation rates in a detached house:predictions.

The results of a prediction method for calculating ventilation rates in a detached house are compared with experimental measurements described in aprevious paper. The method is capable of giving good agreement for a wide range of ventilation conditions. The need is demonstrated for further work in two important areas - the spatial distribution of background areas and the effect of turbulence.

Air exchange through doorways. The effect of temperature difference turbulence and ventilation flow.

Derives analytical expressions for the exchange of air across doorways or similar apertures, in terms of the temperature difference between the spaces on both sides of the opening and the net volume of air flowing through this as a result of unbalanced air supply or extract.

The use of radioactive gas in air conditioning trials in animal housing. Anvendelse av radioaktiv gass i forsok vedrorende klimatisering av husdyrrom.

Reports on tracer gas to ascertain feasibility of use of isotope techniques and how quickly fresh air is distributed in a room under set conditions. Describes the use of 85 Kr isotope.

Air quality in the home.

Describes work sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to investigate indoor air quality in 10 single-family houses and 2 office buildings in Boston. The point was to compare indoor and outdoor pollutant levels, and find reasons for the differences. Found particulate levels were higher indoors, and houses with gas facilities showed higher concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.

Natural ventilation of parking garages.

A combination of a wind-tunnel investigation and a mathematical simulation technique conducted on models of two-storey parking garage situated beneath alarge block of buildings (consisting of houses, shopping centre and offices) shows that wind penetrating the partly open garage facades can provide sufficient ventilation. Studies the effects on ventilation of varying the open area of the facades and of fitting openings in the garage roofs. Measures the effect of such ventilation means on air quality close to buildings.

Numerical modelling of a low concentration chemical species or contaminant in a ventilated, heated, two-dimensional room.

Numerically predicts air quality and thermal comfort in 2-dimensional ventilated air spaces of several geometries when conditions on the various room surfaces are taken to be either adiabatic or constant temperature. 


Reviews methods of energy conservation in factories. States that excessive infiltration is unlikely to be the cause of high energy consumption, but that the most significant loads imposed by infiltration probably occur through open loading bays. Suggests the installment of double door lobbies to overcome this. Says the ideal factory heating system would include mechanical ventilation, with outside air mixed with warm "roof level" air. Describes potential sources of energy wastage and ways of rectifying this situation.

Air change measurements in non-air conditioned rooms and the influence of building and climate parameters.Report 1. Luftwechselmessungen in nichtklimatisierten Raumen unter dem Einfluss von Konstruktions-und Klimaparametern. Bericht 1.

Presents the first of two sections of report 34020, detailing measurements carried out over the winter period of 1975/76 in Swiss dwellings with mainly hot water heating and some extract ventilation in kitchens and bathrooms. The aim of the research was to obtain a general picture of air change conditions in typical Swiss dwellings and to determine the effect of influencing parameters. The overall aim was to take a step towards the establishment of more surely founded rules of calculating ventilation heat loss as a function of influencing parameters.

How to weatherstrip and caulk your home.

Gives instructions for weatherstripping and caulking houses, indicating which materials are best for different jobs, and comparing prices. Covers jamb weatherstripping for doors and windows, weatherstripping for door bottoms, sealing the joist and attic spaces, and sealing around window and door openings.

Condensation in the home: where, why and what to do

Defines types of condensation occurring in houses and describes practical ways for the householder to control surface and concealed condensation. Gives instructions to builders for installing air/vapour barriers to meet the required standards, and shows ways in which ventilation can control condensation.
